I think I say "how do you spell that?" more than almost anything else throughout the course of my day. I work in the public sector serving the underprivileged. It's really rewarding work but there are days when I hear shit that would make you either a. pull your hair out, b. shake with rage, or c. bite a hole in your cheek so you won't say something you will regret. Everyone has a story and I get to hear them all. I get to hear reasons why someone had to pay for cable instead of paying rent. I get to hear reasons why someone had to
pay for a prom dress or band uniform instead of paying their electric
bill. To prove that I'm not a completely heartless douche, I also get
to hear tears from someone when I have to tell them, "I'm sorry you have
to sleep in your car/don't have power in the winter/are getting
evicted, but I can't help you." That part kinda sucks but shit happens, right?
I assure you, it most certainly does. Okay, enough of being serious.
There's a lot more to my day other than asking how to spell names but the "uneek" names I hear seems to be a great source of entertainment for me and anyone else that I might share the names with.
This is already longer than I had intended it to be, but I had to give you a little bit of the back story on how and why I decided to start blogging. Future posts will be about more than just names, but since that's what inspired me, let me leave you with this little gem to get you started:
This week I someone told me her child's name was Elle'Yannah (pronounced el-lee-yah-nah) and then I posed the dreaded question: How do you spell that?
This week I someone told me her child's name was Elle'Yannah (pronounced el-lee-yah-nah) and then I posed the dreaded question: How do you spell that?
"Uh, it's spelled ee el el ee quotation mark why ay en en ay H."
I asked her if she meant apostrophe and she said, "Yeah!! It's like a comma, but it's up at the top."
Baby Facepalm is all I could do because I'd probably get fired if I said, "Are you fucking kidding me?!?!"
So yeah, that's a small sampling of what's to come. Hope you like it!
-Dedicated Public Servant
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