I guess it's because I'm old that I just. don't. get. why someone would write something like this in public:
lmfao now i see where he got
his fakeness from..... n e ways like they say a persons true colors
will always show within time... wish i woulda learned that sooner but
its all good no breaken heart or tears this way just for my kids, im always
here for u n ur brothers, k luv ya.
What the fuck is that supposed mean?? I had to read it several times over to try and decipher that nonsense. Drama notwithstanding, it's still a gigantic mess!
What has happened to people? Do they purposely try to make themselves appear as dumb as a pile of bricks?
Dat, dey, dem, lil, foo and dis are not words. They aren't even close to they word they are supposed to mean and it's annoying as hell to read. Also, these words are being put forth by adults. People who really do know how to spell and write but chose to butcher the English language instead. I guess that teenagers can be expected to use text words as real words but I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone with a brain in their head would chose to present themselves as an idiot.
The same goes for people who watch shit filled shows like Jersey Shore and Toddlers & Tiaras!!!!!
LOL - I really don't care about shit like that too much, I just put that out there to annoy my friend who watches those shows religiously. Because she's a fucking moron :)
Okay bai fo nowz haterz
-Dedicated Public Servant
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